self-care tips mindfulness, self-care micromoments, self-care breaks, savouring life
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Introduce Self Care daily routines  
with my TTP method.
Discover how easily you can improve your life
with my TTP !
Energised ? Focused ? Happy ? Calm ?

Learn De-stress in three minutes, Take a powerful break  and Savour your life using Unconventional Strategies and Creative Tips.

Finding time for traditional self-care practices is sometimes tricky, but there are many free, simple, and unique ways to practice self-care daily.
Discovering alternative self-care ideas may take some time, but they are within your reach.

We tend to associate self-care with long lunches, spa weekends, manicures, and massages, all of which are amazing but also require a significant break from our daily routine.

Self-care in our daily lives is much more fundamental.

This is why the concept of 'micro acts of self-care' is so gently powerful. Each intervention only requires a few seconds to a few minutes but can generate a great sense of well-being." These micro-habits are also so simple that even the most hardened task master would have a hard time arguing against them.

It's important to remember that self-care is not a one-size-fits-all concept.
A simple bath may not always be the answer, especially if negative thoughts or worries accompany it.
So why didn't you feel better after you did that lovely thing?
Because Self-care is more profound than we give it credit for, it's not just about taking our minds off our problems or nourishing our bodies.
Self-care is also about reminding ourselves of our capabilities, seeking pleasure, calming our mind,  honouring our values, bringing out our wild side, feeling alive, letting loved ones know how much we appreciate a connection with them, being grateful for life, and feeling energy inside, to name a few.
Does your daily life make you feel stuck in a rut? Do you want to try something different but don't want to change your whole life? Does the idea of learning something new fire you up?

You need a creative and unconventional infusion. Spending some time doing something innovative or unusual is excellent self-care.
But you are Short in time?
You are in the right place.
Start with Micromoments of self-care during your day.

Look in the Micromoments Area, where you will find quick tips, concrete tools and straightforward practice.
Start with a 3-minute practice. Use it to calm your mind, take a decisive break, and learn to savour a precious moment.
These are small, quick activities you can do amid your busy schedule, like taking a few deep breaths, stretching, taking a brain vacation or enjoying yourself in something you love. They are designed for real-life scenarios and crafted with clarity and simplicity.
These small moments of self-care can be transformative, bringing a new perspective to your daily life.
  • Determine which activities bring you joy, replenish your energy, and restore your balance.
  • Start by choosing an inspiring tip, practice or tool you'd like to incorporate into your routine.
  • Build up to practising that behaviour every day for some days.
  • Reflect on how you feel.
  • Add more practice when ready.

Create your toolkit of mindful exercises, visualizations, creativity, a decisive break, and a way to savour life to overcome mental roadblocks in everyday situations.

These small moments turned on habit will impact your daily life and well-being

Download free self-care resources

Such as Workbook and Booklets full of exciting tips and exercises. Subscribe to the Reserved Area to have full access to every resource.
Let me know when and how you practise.
Get support by sharing your self-care practices with me privately or the community on social media. Every experience is valuable, and your journey can inspire and encourage others struggling with their self-care routines.

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Take a look at the SHOP for inspiring Self-care tools.

The purpose of self-care tools is to help manage stress and promote well-being, allowing you to live your best life.
On Amazon  you find my Self-care Workbook. Whether you're new to self-care or looking to deepen your existing practices, this workbook will empower you to cultivate self-care practices that resonate with your unique needs and values. Through unconventional exercises, reflective prompts, and practical activities, this workbook will help you embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. You'll gain insights into your own needs, values, and priorities and learn how to seamlessly integrate self-care into your daily life.
This workbook invites you to prioritize your well-being, making it an integral part of your daily routine. Throughout this journey, be kind to yourself. Embrace imperfections, celebrate progress, and allow self-care to become a natural and nurturing part of your life.
Read some interesting articles and Inspiring news about Self-Care and unconventional tips

Be your best advocate for your emotional, mental, and physical wellness. Live an intentional and creative inspired life. You will feel amazing!

Here's what you can expect from Take Care of Yourself Tips:

  • Resources and tools that help you prioritise self-care in your life
  • Simple and actionable tips that you can integrate into your daily routine
  • A toolkit of strategies that help you clear your mind, reduce stress, and find inner peace
  • Inspiration and motivation to live in the present moment and savor it.
I teach unconventional and creative tools to help people calm their minds, de-stress, and enjoy and savour every day.

It's time to explore the necessary tools to feel less stressed and more joyful.

I’m Barbara. Welcome on Take of Yourself Tips
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We’re so glad to meet another human who cares about Self-Care.


Welcome to Take Care of Yourself Tips, a platform designed to meet the unique needs of women and help them cope with the stress and find a new way to live.
I believe everyone deserves self-care.

All are welcome here, regardless of gender. Whether you're a woman who wants to explore a more relaxed way of being or someone who wants to take Care of Yourself more deeply, this is the right place for you.

I aim to create a world where people feel safe and worthy enough to prioritize self-care.

Together, let's begin this journey towards a healthier and happier life.                                                                   

the editor
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Takecare Threeminutes Practice
If you want to...
Take a real break. De-stress in few moments.  Clear your mind. Give yourself space to slow down, to be present, find balance.
Increase your energy.

Know the right mindset to have a concrete change of habits.
All the while saving time.

Saving precious moments by using the perfect tools.
...a subscription to my reserved area is perfect for you.
It’s free.
Here’s just a sampling of some of three minutes self-care practise to take a Mini vacation for you mind and feel energised during the day.
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You can print or save them and use them when you need to take care of yourself in some minutes.
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Director and Editor:
Barbara Ratti.
Take Care of Yourself
is operated by
Thinqua Srls
VAT n°:  IT03833050127
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