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Introduce Self Care daily routines  
with my TTP method.
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with my TTP !
Reminders for your Health
3 Cards set

These self-care cards will help you embrace and integrate self-care moments into your routine. Self-care is essential to living well. Our body and our mind are our home and we need to keep our stress level low to be healthy.

Pin these self-care cards up on your bedroom wall, on the fridge or on your desk and use them when you need a moment for yourself.

When you start doing something about your wellness you feel that you are treating yourself with the respect and the love that you deserve. And this feeling is really good.

CARD 1: Relax your mind
Learning a quick way to relax your mind makes you feel more peaceful and calmer even during the working day.
We cannot avoid stress in our lives, but we can learn to manage it better and take some breaks to help our mind to relax.

Breathing and visualization are two excellent tools to find your calm.

This card remind you to stop your work for some moments and take care of your mind.
Put the card close to you while you are working and when you need a relaxing moment follow the steps to recharge your mind.

CARD 2: Breathe properly
Proper breathing practices remain something that almost everyone struggles with. Why?
Many factors seem to be against us when it comes to breathing properly.
Many people breathe shallowly and only use the air at the top of their lungs.

Breathing is an act that is both unconscious and conscious. Naturally, our body will continue breathing even when we are not thinking about breathing. However, we can also control our breathing, and in doing so, we will strengthen the connection between our body’s response to stress (which is often negative) and the part of breathing that we can control. In effect, this helps us reduce stress.

This card is a reminder to breathe properly and start a good practice every day. Breathing in the correct way is really useful for relaxing the body, stimulating mental clarity and improving cognitive function.

CARD 3: Relax your feet
This card remind you to relax your feet
It can be easy to focus on the more aesthetic parts of our body when maintaining our health, but it’s important that you give proper attention to your feet in order to keep them healthy. Feet can be easily forgotten in self-care practice but stretching them can be a great way to care of them. By stretching, you can improve the blood flow to your muscles and improve your posture by keeping your muscles loose. Maintaining your posture and keeping your muscles healthy can help to keep aches and pains away, and keep your muscles agile in order to prevent falls.

Price: 4,80
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Category: cards
Set of 3 printable cards containing Reminders for integrating self care moments into your routine. CLICK FOR DETAILS.
4.80 €(IVA incl.)
Product details:
3 Cards set. Each card is printable in 14.8cm x 10.5 cm. You will receive a ZIP file containing the PDF file with the 3 Cards set(for printing purpose), and 3 singular Cards in JPEG format at full resolution (5244px X 3720px), ready to be sent by e-mail or shared on social !

move your mouse over the preview to access the gallery :

Price: 4,80
click ADD and proceed with your order !
Category: cards
Set of 3 printable cards containing Reminders for integrating self care moments into your routine. CLICK FOR DETAILS.
4.80 €(IVA incl.)
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Director and Editor:
Barbara Ratti.
Take Care of Yourself
is operated by
Thinqua Srls
VAT n°:  IT03833050127
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