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Take Care Of Yourself
Published by Barbara Ratti in take care of yourself · Saturday 16 Mar 2019

Let’s face it. We are really busy, and we hardly have enough time to get through our to-do-list. We make plans about our self-care practice but when the week comes with a lot of surprises, our plans are thrown out of the window and we feel a sense of frustration.

Trust me, I’ve been there.

I felt a sense of frustration for years but one day I thought “out of the box” and I started to think about one thing that I could do for myself in a very small amount of time: three minutes.

We usually don’t do justice to the minutes in our day, we prefer to plan in terms of hours but sometimes minutes can be very important.

Think about the time you can use to smile at someone or write a useful note to remember something very important or read something that can help you in a very difficult moment of your life.

Minutes are precious and I started to do something for myself for three minutes every day and I have learnt that self-care is more helpful when you practise it little and often than when you plan two hours once a month.

Three minutes are enough to focus on yourself and your needs. These tips can help you to start your three-minute practice.

Tip ①

Start with your needs first. This could be a need for relaxation, a need for quiet, a need for rest.

Before you engage in any kind of self-care activity, think to yourself “What do I need most right now?”

Instead of engaging in random self-care activities to feel ‘better’, you can do exactly what you need right now.

Tip ②

Sometimes, your self-care could simply involve closing your eyes and breathing deeply for three minutes to relax.

Tip ③

Don’t follow someone else’s routine but follow your needs. Get some ideas but find your self-care practice by listening to your needs, passions, values and preferences.

Tip ④

Improve the way you talk to yourself. If you spend your three minutes beating yourself because you have too many things to do, you are wasting your time. Focus on yourself and forget everything else. You can take three minutes for yourself, and
the world will still be there when you return. Even during a busy day. When you return, you’ll feel more productive and positive than before.

Tip ⑤

Self-care is not a luxury. It’s not selfish and it’s not indulgent. Self-care is necessary for your physical and mental health.

It’s your turn. Start now taking three minutes for yourself. You deserve it!
If you need some inspiration enter in my reserved area and download my TTP (Takecare threeminutes Practice). I use them in my daily self-care practice, and I spend three minutes each time. I do something for myself even if I have a busy day.

You can do the same and I’d like to know how you feel after your self-care moments.


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Take Care of Yourself
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