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Introduce Self Care daily routines  
with my TTP method.
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Take Care Of Yourself
Published by Barbara Ratti in take care of yourself · Sunday 03 Feb 2019
Tags: selfcareselfcarepractice

Self-care looks different from person to person. We are all individuals with different needs, feelings, worries and preferences.

Sometimes it’s hard to listen to our own inner voice because we are so busy anticipating the needs of those we care about, or we don’t know exactly how to listen to ourselves. But if we listen carefully our inner voice will be clear.

Below is my own personal list of some of my self-care practices, hoping it will give you some inspiration to find ways to take care of yourself.
I try to live in the present moment and enjoy every day.

I prioritize my needs and focus on myself.

I set boundaries saying no, when I need time to restore myself.

I try to do something I enjoy every day.

I pay attention to my negative self-talk and I change it to positive.

I exercise every day.

I look after my health, body, skin, hair, teeth. I have regular medical checks.

I start my day being grateful for at least three things that I have in my life.

I try to laugh more every day.

I try to be kind more often.

I listen to my favourite music every day.

I spend time alone to clear my mind.

I Listen to my intuition and do what's right for me.

I try not to worry about what other people think about me.

I try to be my own best friend.

Your turn!
What is your self-care routine? I’d love to know it and share some good tips!

Have a good day!


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