Published by Barbara Ratti in take care of yourself · Sunday 31 Jan 2021
Are you intimidated from the word… “Goal”….I can say….honestly….YES!!!
I‘ve made several false starts at changing some of my habits.
Eating better, managing my day better, being focused, having the right break during the day! But… after the initial enthusiasm, I often felt overwhelmed by the idea of changing my behaviour!
I used to think of my bad habits like wearing a soft white blanket…or better…I liked my habits because ….I knew them… really well…no surprise, old friends….same thoughts. Making a real change to some bad habits required a lot of uncomfortable moments! I gave up….feeling so very very frustrated!!!
But …I have found and read this article:
15 Tips for Setting (and Achieving) Healthy Goals by Choosing Therapy
and it has shown me a different approach….
Why not break down your goal into measurable, healthy steps?
“Learning to set more realistic goals is really about defining tangible steps to get you where you are trying to go,” says Dr. Jacob Santhouse, LCPC of Olive Counseling
I have read 15 useful points and I like this one a lot:
Tip n 4. Immediately Reward the New Behaviour.
Yes! I often think that it must be hard to change a behaviour. I have a lot of prejudices around this idea….
“Every step in the right direction is worth celebrating!” Yes…it sounds good…. Make an effort and have a little celebration means…."welcome good mood!"
Tip n 8. Write Out Three Baby Steps for Your Goal
This is my favourite because I know that it really works. I‘ve used it in the past and yes it works really well….because baby steps reassure me.
I feel my soft white blanket around my body and it’s so warm. No big change but I take baby steps towards a different way of acting and behaving.
Another point really worth mentioning is:
Tip n 11. Remember Your Worth (Goals or No Goals)
I love it….because the motivation is really fuel for our mind.
If I have a strong motivation to do something, I also have energy and enthusiasm… I don’t need comfort food or some other kind of distraction because I know that when I achieve my goal, I feel so proud of myself. My self-esteem increases. My mood is really good. I feel energized and I love to feel like that. This gives me a good reason to pursue my goal.
I found these tips very useful and, at the end of the article, they give you a link to a guide that helps you to choose the right therapist for you.
A really detailed guide that outlines the right way to find a therapist: the best one for you.
“Think of a therapist as an expert guide on your journey to wellbeing”.
I agree with this concept…. Some years ago, thanks to the right counsellor, I saw the big difficulty I had in meeting my needs. I had not seen my problem before…but with the counsellor's directions, I really saw my "matrix", my reality…and I solved a lot of my problems in my relationship.
She was the right therapist for me. She didn't force me too much, but she pushed me in the right direction. I think that the tips for finding the right therapist are really specific and professional.
Thanks to Choosing Therapy for this helpful article. I always like to find new strategies for my wellbeing!!!
Let me know if this article is useful for you too!!! I’d like to read your self-care strategies to live the vibrant life that you deserve!
link to the original article: click here